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Англо-русский строительный словарь - port


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Перевод с английского языка port на русский


1) порт, гавань

2) отверстие; проход

3) двери; ворота; вход

4) люк

air portcargo portfill port

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1) отверстие; канал; окно; прорезь; проход || снабжать отверстиями, каналами, окнами, проходами2) гнездо (напр. инструментального магазина)3) порт (многозарядный вход или выход) || снабжать портами4) двухполюсник•to port up — соединять посредством портовaccess portadmission portCOM portcommunication portcontrol portcoolant portcut-off portcylinder portdata collection portdelivery portdischarge portdrain portentry portevacuation portexhaust portfluid portinlet portinput portinput/output portintake portinterface portI/O portlube portmetric portmultitasking portout portoutlet portoutput portparallel portparallel data collection portpower portpressure portpressure-sensing portserial portsuction portsupply porttank porttape-reader portvalve portvent-out port ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  I noun  1) порт, гавань; - port of call - port of destination - port of entry - free port  2) приют, убежище  3) attr. портовый any port in a storm - в беде любой выход хорош II noun  1) hist.; scot. ворота (города)  2) = porthole  3) tech. отверстие; проход III  1. noun  1) obs. осанка, манера держаться  2) mil. строевая стойка с оружием  2. v. mil. держать (оружие) в строевой стойке; port arms! - на грудь! IV naut.  1. noun  1) левый борт; (put the) - helm to port!  2) attr. левый  2. v. класть (руля) налево V noun портвейн PORT admiral командир порта PORT Louis noun г. Порт-Луи PORT Moresby noun г. Порт-Морсби PORT of call порт захода PORT of destination порт назначения PORT of entry порт ввоза PORT of Spain noun г. Порт-оф-Спейн PORT Said noun г. Порт-Саид ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. порт, гавань naval port —- военно-морской порт commercial port —- торговый порт home port, port of commission —- порт приписки free port —- вольная гавань; порто-франко cargo port —- грузовой порт port facilities —- портовые устройства (средства); портовое оборудование port authority —- управление порта port of arrival —- порт прибытия port of call —- порт захода port of loading —- порт погрузки port of distress —- порт вынужденного захода; порт-убежище to call at a port —- зайти в порт 2. приют, убежище port after stormy seas —- убежище после жизненных бурь 3. порт, портовый город 4. порт ввоза (также port of entry) 5. разг. аэропорт Id: any port in storm —- в бурю любая гавань хороша; в беде любой выход хорош 6. ист. шотл. ворота (города) 7. мор. орудийный порт 8. мор. (бортовой) иллюмнатор 9. воен. амбразура; бойница 10. отверстие 11. тех. отверстие, окно; проход; прорезь; канал observation (viewing) port —- смотровое окно admission (inlet) port —- впускное отверстие (окно) discharge (outlet) port —- выпускное отверстие 12. опт. люк 13. комп. порт communication port —- коммуникационный порт 14. осанка; манера держаться proud port —- гордая осанка 15. редк. образ жизни (особ. широкий) 16. общественное положение (особ. высокое) 17. редк. смысл, содержание, значение 18. воен. строевая стойка с оружием 19. воен....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  порт (гавань, оборудованная для причаливания, загрузки и разгрузки судов) - custom of port - custom of the port - customs of the port ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) влет 2) гаванский 3) гавань 4) канал 5) лацпорт 6) мор. левый борт 7) левый бортовой 8) окно 9) отверстие 10) порт 11) проход carg loading port — грузовой лацпорт find refuge in port — укрываться в порт parallel input-output port — параллельный порт port position light — левый бортовой огонь, мор. огонь бакбортный serial input-output port — последовательный порт valve covers port — клапан перекрывает проход valve uncovers a port — клапан открывает проход - admission port - cargo port - freeing port - gangway port - hawser port - inlet port - input-output port - list to port - mooring port - poking port - port light - port side - port station - port time - slide-valve port - steam port - view to port - viewing port ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) порт; вход; выход 2) канал – bidirectional port – connecting port – data port – electric port – extended line port – extended telephone port – input port – input/output port – master port – mixer port – n-channel port – nonshared port – output port – parallel port – preselector port – RS-port – series port – subscribers line port – TCP port – terminal port – unbalanced port ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  порт проходное отверстие air port short takeoff and landing port valve port ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) порт, гавань 2) (лац)порт 3) мор., возд. левый борт 4) аэропорт 5) канал; проход 6) отверстие; окно 7) головка (мартеновской печи, горелки) 8) пролёт (печи) 9) мн. ч. пламенные окна (регенеративной печи) 10) эл. плечо (напр. моста) 11) эл. пара полюсов 12) эл. вход; выход 13) порт (многоразрядный вход или выход цифровой системы) 14) переносить программу (на ЭВМ другого типа) - access port - admission port - aft docking port - air port - bidirectional port - bleed port - buffered port - bypass port - calibrated port - central gas port - charging port - clearing port - command port - communication port - connecting port - cyclonic port - cylinder port - dam port - data port - delivery port - discharge port - docking port - drain port - electric port - entrance port - entry port - exhaust port - experimental port - filter back-flush port - fluid port - flushing port - forward docking port - freeing port - fuel port - gas port - gathering port - glove port - helical port - helm port - high-swirl inlet port - induction port - inland-waterway port - inlet port - input port - input/output port - intake port - kidney-shaped port - laterally docking port - light port - longitudinal docking port - oil port - oil suction port - optical port - optic port - outlet port - output port - parallel port - pipe-type port - plain O ring port - radially docking port - restricting port - rudder port - scavenge port - serial port - shared port - siamesed ports - side port - side and deck port - sight port - skirted port - sluice port - suction port - swirl port - tank port - tapped drain port - terminal port - water inlet port ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. 1 a harbour. 2 a place of refuge. 3 a town or place possessing a harbour, esp. one where customs officers are stationed. Phrases and idioms port of call a place where a ship or a person stops on a journey. Port of London Authority the corporate body controlling the London harbour and docks. Etymology: OE f. L portus & ME prob. f. OF f. L portus 2. n. (in full port wine) a strong, sweet, dark-red (occas. brown or white) fortified wine of Portugal. Etymology: shortened form of Oporto, city in Portugal from which port is shipped 3. n. & v. --n. the left-hand side (looking forward) of a ship, boat, or aircraft (cf. STARBOARD). --v.tr. (also absol.) turn (the helm) to port. Phrases and idioms port tack see TACK(1) 4. port watch see WATCH n. 3b. Etymology: prob. orig. the side turned towards PORT(1) 4. n. 1 a an opening in the side of a ship for entrance, loading, etc. b a porthole. 2 an aperture for the passage of steam, water, etc. 3 Electr. a socket or aperture in an electronic circuit, esp. in a computer network, where connections can be made with peripheral equipment. 4 an aperture in a wall etc. for a gun to be fired through. 5 esp. Sc. a gate or gateway, esp. of a walled town. Etymology: ME & OF porte f. L porta 5. v. & n. --v.tr. Mil. carry (a rifle, or other weapon) diagonally across and close to the body with the barrel etc. near the left shoulder (esp. port arms!). --n. 1 Mil. this position. 2 external deportment; carriage; bearing. Etymology: ME f. OF port ult. f. L portare carry 6. n. Austral. 1 a suitcase or travelling bag. 2 a shopping bag, sugar bag, etc. Etymology: abbr. of PORTMANTEAU ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English & Anglo-French, from Latin ~us — more at ford  Date: before 12th century  1. a place where ships may ride secure from storms ; haven  2.  a. a harbor town or city where ships may take on or discharge cargo  b. air~  3. ~ of entry  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French, gate, door, from Latin ~a passage, gate; akin to Latin ~us ~  Date: before 12th century  1. chiefly Scottish gate  2.  a. an opening (as in a valve seat or valve face) for intake or exhaust of a fluid  b. the area of opening in a cylinder face of a passageway for the working fluid in an engine; also such a passageway  c. a small opening in a container or vessel especially for viewing or for the controlled passage of material access ~  3.  a. an opening in a vessel's side (as for admitting light or loading cargo)  b. archaic the cover for a ~hole  4. a hole in an armored vehicle or fortification through which guns may be fired  5. a hardware interface by which a computer is connected to another device (as a printer, a mouse, or another computer); broadly jack 8  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from ~er to carry, from Latin ~are  Date: 14th century  1. the manner of bearing oneself  2. archaic state 3  3. the position in which a military weapon is carried at the command ~ arms  IV. transitive verb  Etymology: 5~  Date: 1580 to turn or put (a helm) to the left — used chiefly as a command  V. noun  Etymology: probably from 1~ or 2~  Date: circa 1644 the left side of a ship or aircraft looking forward — called also larboard — compare starboard  • ~ adjective  VI. noun  Etymology: O~o, Portugal  Date: 1691 a sweet fortified wine of rich taste and aroma made in Portugal; also a similar wine made elsewhere  VII. transitive verb  Etymology: perhaps from 2~ (hardware interface)  Date: 1984 to translate (software) into a version for another computer or operating system  VIII. abbreviation  1. ~able  2. ~rait PORT...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ports) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A port is a town by the sea or on a river, which has a harbour. Port-Louis is an attractive little fishing port. ...the Mediterranean port of Marseilles. N-COUNT 2. A port is a harbour area where ships load and unload goods or passengers. ...the bridges which link the port area to the city centre. N-COUNT: oft N n 3. A port on a computer is a place where you can attach another piece of equipment, for example a printer. (COMPUTING) N-COUNT 4. In sailing, the port side of a ship is the left side when you are on it and facing towards the front. (TECHNICAL) Her official number is carved on the port side of the forecabin. ? starboard ADJ • Port is also a noun. USS Ogden turned to port. ? starboard N-UNCOUNT: usu to N 5. Port is a type of strong, sweet red wine. He asked for a glass of port after dinner. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »WHERE SHIPS STOP« a place where ships can load and unload people or things; harbour1  (come into port/leave port)  (The ferry was just about to leave port. | in port)  (We're going to have two days ashore while the ship is in port..) 2 »TOWN« a town or city with a harbour or docks  (Britain's largest port | the Israeli port of Haifa) 3 »WINE« strong sweet Portuguese wine, usually drunk after a meal  (port and Stilton) 4 »LEFT OF SHIP« the left side of a ship or aircraft when you are looking towards the front  (on the port side | to port)  (After the collision, the ship began leaning over to port.)  (- opposite starboard) 5 »COMPUTER« technical a part of a computer where you can connect another piece of equipment such as a printer 6 any port in a storm usually spoken an expression meaning that you should take whatever help you can when you are in trouble, even if it has some disadvantages  (- see also free port, port of entry) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  onc. abbr. Pediatric Oncology Resource Team lab. abbr. Programmable Oral Release Technologies lab. abbr. Patient Outcome Research Team NASA abbr. Portable transport. abbr. Portable mil. abbr. Portable country abbr. Portugal meteo abbr. Portable electron. abbr. Portable educ. abbr. People Offering Resources Together gen. bus. abbr. Portable Outstanding Reliable And Tested ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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